Autoline #1324: Ad "Homonym"

Autoline This Week - Video show

Summary: Ad "Homonym" The latest media darling of the hipster set, the award-winning series "Mad Men", has suddenly made it cool again to be in advertising. In fact, as we watch this world through its '60s prism, the show clearly spotlights the similarities of the American ad game across generations. Be it yesterday's print & television or today's Internet programming, it's still all about innovation, imitation and breaking through. And no one knows that better than the auto industry, who, ever since those "Mad Men" days, have watched advertising budgets spike alongside the prices of their latest people moving machines or luxurious mobile yachts. But as they say "2009 is a new day" and everything has changed from the money to the medium to even the measurement. But what about the message? Is it the same as it ever was or is it striking out a new path to reflect the tenor of the times? This week on Autoline we'll look at what the industry is doing with advertising in a down economy with bankrupt manufacturers. Joining John to talk and review some of the latest in automotive advertising are Bud Liebler, former Chrysler Marketing VP and head of the Liebler Group, Jean Halliday of Advertising Age and David Kiley of BusinessWeek.