KnitWit 75: Rayon

Rantings of a Rabid Knitter show

Summary: News Interweave Press new blog Knit Pattern a Day calendar looking for patterns for 2009 calendar. Visit their website ( for more details. Knitting Designer Annie Modesitt”s husband’s has been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma . There is an effort to raise funds to help pay for treatment ( Personal news. Computer is in transit. Sadie is a bad girl I play with new yarn TOFUtsies I talk about man-made fibers. Concentrating on the original man-made fiber, rayon. I discuss its history and how it is made. I hope you find the information interesting. Please let me know what you think. What are you experiences with these fibers? website: email: voice-mail: 206 666 5775 Thanks. Carry approx. 19 minutes