KnitWit 160: Slip Stitch Knitting

Rantings of a Rabid Knitter show

Summary: No new news on the turtle.  If I hear anything, I will let you know. I am going to be doing a show in Wilmington this next weekend.  I may be late with the show next week. This week I talk about slip stitch knitting.  It is an easy way to add more complex color work to your knitting by knitting strips and slipping stitches. There are several great books on the topic including Barbara Walker’s Mosaic Knitting and Roxana Bartlett’s Slip-Stitch Knitting: Color Pattern the Easy Way If you have any questions or comments let me know. website: email: ravelry: autumnbreeze ravelry forum: KnitWit:Rantings of a Rabid Knitter Forum Thanks. Carry approx. 12 minutes