KnitWit 175: New Beginnings

Rantings of a Rabid Knitter show

Summary: I am back.  This is not a knitting show.  Sorry. I had a bit of writers block so I signed up for a class at the John C. Campbell Folk School. A week before going, Wolfy died.  It has been heart wrenching, especially for Damsel. I went to the school.  I learned a lot. While coming down from the mountains, I bought a mountain dulcimer from a man on the street. I am revived and thinking of stories and even writing some fiction. Are you interested in hearing any of my fiction?  Let me know. website: email: ravelry: autumnbreeze ravelry forum: KnitWit:Rantings of a Rabid Knitter Forum Thanks. Carry **——————————-** In class, I was given a card that said the mask I wear and ask to write something.  This is what I wrote. The Masks I Wear Bleary eyes, hair eschewed from a long and lost wrestling match with sleep, I stumble down the stairs pausing for the obligatory foot pets of the cat, who lives there. Once this task is finished to her satisfaction, I plod onward to the kitchen and my goal. From the frig, I pull that elixir of wakefulness, diet coke. The first gulp burns away the last haze of sleep. Next I head to the den to finish my morning glass of caffeine and check my e-mails. I pause in the doorway. This step is the hardest. To the left is the hutch. Empty. My heart sinks. There is no welcome, no demands to be picked up and snuggled, nor searches for treats. There is only an empty cage with a ragged and wallered stuffed lamb lopsided in the corner. In silence and alone, I drink my soda and answer those e-mails that cannot wait. I read a few messages on the Bunny Lovers Forum. Giving advice where I can but mostly just reading of other peoples’ rabbits’ adventures/ Once I hear the shower turn off, I put my lap top aside and start to head up stairs. At some point, I will meet and kiss the man in the hall. Cold water on my face washes away the last of the sleep. Hot water on my back relaxes the knots. A bright shirt and comfy pants. I search for the pair of crocs that will either match or clash the best. Smile in place, head held high, shoulders back, my mask is in place. I go out to face the day.