KnitWit 180: Casting On part 1

Rantings of a Rabid Knitter show

Summary: It is a knitting episode just like Melinda asked for!!! Since I have been all about new beginnings lately, I thought we should talk about casting on.  I was rather surpriced I hadn’t talked about this already… maybe I have and forgot but I couldn’t find anything when I did a search. This week I cover 6 cast-ons. 1. Half Hitch 2. Long Tail 3. Knit/Purl 4. Knitted 5. Cabled 6. Crocheted(two variations) These are all cast-ons for going in one direction.  Next mod5=0, I will talk about circular and provisional cast-ons. I hope to figure out how to edit video and put some clips demostrating the different cast-ons.  Once I do that, I will link the clips for you to watch. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. website: email: ravelry: autumnbreeze ravelry forum: KnitWit:Rantings of a Rabid Knitter Forum Thanks. Carry approx. 16 minutes