Ep 44: Alt. PD @ PUWT 09

A.T.TIPScast show

Summary: Episode 44 is kind of a unique episode because it features a recording of a live event. Back on November 14th I was lucky enough to attend the Powering Up with Technology Conference in Prince Georges County, Maryland. At that conference I presented a session called Alternative Professional Development. I use the term presented loosely because, although I was listed as the presenter, the session was more of an integrated brainstorming session. I was more of the moderator for the discussion than a presenter. During the session we tried to outline some of the problems with staff development happening in public schools and then try to come up with some solutions. During the course of the discussion a bunchof great ideas were mentioned about how to address some of the problems with the typical professional development model. Additional resources were also mentioned. Check them out at http://attipscast.wordpress.com