Today We Are Rich

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Summary: "Self confidence is a purifier of sorts that reduces the chatter in your head and allows you to fall into a state of flow." Today We Are Rich, page 39 Tim Sanders, author of Love is the Killer App, The Likeability Factor and Saving the World at Work, has a knack for humanizing, and making actionable some of the great intangibles of our lives.  In the The L-Factor, Tim tackled the nature of "Likeability" - the speed and depth with which people are drawn to you upon meeting you.  His examples and exercises are clear and succinct, leaving readers with a clear understanding of his message and a sense of "I can do this".  They're great books, with great lessons.  His latest though, Today We Are Rich is something special.  It's something more.  Today We Are Rich is Tim exposing himself to the world; sharing his unexpected and unusual upbringing and the events and teachings that shaped him into the man who would become a senior executive at Yahoo! and ultimately a world renowned speaker and author. Abandoned by his mother, and orphaned by a murdered father, Tim was raised in relative poverty by his grandmother, Billye.  It was from Billye that Tim learned the lessons that he shares in Today We Are Rich.  Lessons on self confidence. Lessons we can (and should) all learn from, regardless of our title, responsibilities or station on life. At a high level, the self confidence development lessons in Today We Are Rich focus on three key areas: 1.       "Feeding Your mind Good Stuff", 2.       "Exercising Your Gratitude Muscle", and 3.       "Preparing Yourself" Sanders explains (and provides examples of proof) that it is through these three practices that we can increase our confidence, not only in ourselves, but from and in others, and in a higher power.  And it's through an increased sense of confidence in these three areas that we can live the life we imagine for ourselves. While the book is loaded with actionable tips, exercises and thought provoking questions for each of the three aforementioned key areas, there was one particular section that rang true as particularly important to me; the importance of keeping promises. Golden Egg Keep Promises "When you keep your commitments, you maintain your sense of integrity and self-respect and see yourself as a person who can be trusted." Today, We Are Rich, page 250 Perhaps one of the reasons the "Promises" piece was so valuable to me was due to the fact that it simultaneously builds confidence internally (you feeling good as you keep your word), and from other people (their trust and respect for your integrity increasing every time you deliver).  I also think it might be because keeping promises is becoming an increasingly difficult thing to do, the busier we get and the more forms of communication we have with people.  But it sounds so simple, right? "Keep your promises.  Do what you say you're going to.  Follow through on commitments." I doubt there's anyone among us who would argue the value and importance of keeping our promises.  And yet, can any of us say with 100% certainty that we've never broken one?  Why is that? GEM # 1 Casual integrity doesn't work "The reason many promises aren’t kept is that they are treated as randomly as idle conversation." Today We Are Rich, page 251 How many times have you half listened to someone's needs and jumped in with "I can help with that!" or "I should totally introduce you to ...” We have an innate desire to help our fellow man.  When we hear a need expressed, we want to help.  Which is not the same as saying we can help, or should help.  Real integrity comes from fully understanding what the request means for you, before offering to help.  An offer for assistance, an introduction, or access to other resources at your disposal should not be a casual thing.  Which is challenging.  It feels good to jump in (as Sander's calls it, being "Johnny-on-the-spot").  It's fun.  Exciting even.