Coulson Lives!, Peanuts Movie, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Characters, Ms. Marvel Rumors, Recasting A League of Their Own, Argo Reviewed

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: This week on the GeekScholars Movie News podcast, the crew starts off with a whole host of geeky headlines, including the news of Clark Gregg's Phil Coulson headlining Joss Whedon's ​S.H.I.E.L.D.​ television pilot, a ​Peanuts​ movie on the way, casting rumors and characters that could appear in ​The Amazing Spider-Man 2​, and who might play ​Ms. Marvel​ in ​The Avengers​ Universe? After that, the GeekScholars celebrate the 2012 Major League Baseball post-season by engaging in the fan-favorite segment, The GeekScholars Casting Challenge Competition, by trying to recast ​A League of Their Own​, with their picks for Dottie Hinson, Jimmy Dugan and Mae Mordabito! From there, the GeekScholars give their Preview Review for ​Hitchcock​, starring Anthony Hopkins, about the famed director trying to get ​Psycho​ made in the late 1950s, and finally, Fox and Jill give their glowing review of Ben Affleck's ​Argo​.