Phil Harris – Coconut Grove – My Extraordinary Gal. 1933.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Ennjoy a few big band moments with Phil Harris and his Coconut Grove Orchestra, straight from San Fransisco, California. And in his days before joining ujp with Jack Benny. Playlist: Phil Harris sings, My Extradordinary Gal. Leah Raye, Fit as a Fiddle. Phil and Leah sing, Come On Get Up. Phil sings, Pink Elephants. Phil and Leah, Rainy Day. Leah Raye, Ah But I've Learned. PS: I love this particular collection. The song, Come On Get Up, reminds me so much of visiting my grandparents, and waking up to some of their early morning arguments. Not that they were mad at each other, but the discussion swung the gamut from sweet to bickering, back to pleasant, back to arguing, and whether it ended on a happy or turbulent mood swing, it usually ended up with grandpa leaving to take care of business, or do some farming. On the occasion where angry words did end the morning chat, by the time grandpa reached the end of the driveway, grandma was at the door to open it and shout out to him, "Alvin! I love you!" The date for this episode is listed as 1933. I don't think the exact date is known, but it came from the years between 1932 thru 1934.