Nero Wolf – Stamped For Murder. ep1, 501020

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Falling victims to a swindle, Lars and Gloria Kent, a father and his daughter are destitute. Archie Goodwin has compassion on them, but when he takes their case to Nero Wolf, the cantankerous detective doesn't want to take the case. Is he just playing to his grouchy, anti social side? Or is Archie falling for the cute daughter? Nero takes a skeptical approach while Archie hits the streets to look after Gloria and her father. In the process they find enough evidence to get the cops to lay off from arresting Gloria. Who is the real killer? Nero and Archie aren't sure yet, but they're tightening their case. Who is Rodman, and what hold does he have on the daughter? Why does he want her to take the fall for murder? Archie goes to put the pressure on... shots ring out... and the killer is discovered. Join in for the big revealing moment as Nero calls all the players together to show how the clues piece together and reveals the truth. Note: Though Sidney Greenstreet was cast in the role as Nero, there would be several actors moving in and out of the role as his sidekick Archie. Today, Wally Baer is rchie, Sidney Greenstreet is Nero Wolf.