Gunsmoke – Kitty Caught. 541016

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: There's only one way to handle the killers and spoilers, and that's with the smell of gunsmoke. Doc and Matt chat early on a bright day in Dodge City. Chester gets back into town with news from the sheriff in Witchataw. A couple hardcases are heading towards Dodge. As Matt makes his morning rounds, he keeps company with Miss Kitty. As he pops in to warn the banker, the robbers come in shooting. Matt is over a barrel when he is disarmed, and Kitty is taken hostage. Chester joins Matt and the two are hot on the trail. The trick will be in how to take the robbers and killers without harming Kitty. Just when the utmost in quiet and stealth is needed, Matt has to overcome a rattlesnake. One false move, and get bit. Shoot the critter and possibly have Kitty killed. Good fortune smiles, and Matt gets his chance to rescue the damsel in distress.