Unholy Trinity: Rage, Lust, Unfaithfulness – Matthew 5:21–32

Bethany Community Church » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Sunday, July 10, 2011 Pastor Richard Dahlstrom Discussion Questions: Pastor Nancy Eckardt When have you experienced religion or religious acts as a substitute for discipleship?  Why are religious acts easier than true discipleship? When have you been unjustly angry at someone?  What impact has that had on your life?  What impact has that had on the one with who you were, or are angry? In what unhealthy ways do you express anger?  How are you hurting others by your expression of anger? What do you need to do to move toward honest confession and restoration? In what ways is lust a barrier to your spiritual growth? In what ways have you ignored lust as an area of your life that needs to be transformed? What aspects of your sexuality do you need to relinquish and bring under the Lordship of Christ? In what ways do you excuse your behavior in the areas of rage, lust, and/or unfaithfulness? What step do you need to take toward repentance? Who do you need to confess to?  What do you hope to gain by your confession? Sunday’s Bulletin