What does comfort cost? – Mark 10:17–31

Bethany Community Church » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Sunday, September 4, 2011 Pastor Joe Springer Discussion Questions: Pastor Nancy Eckardt How have you been convicted of your shortcomings in light of the upside-down kingdom described in Matthew 5 – 7? What would it look like to “step it up” in your discipleship? Where do you turn for guidance toward spiritual maturity? Can you think of a time when you focused on certain elements of your faith and missed the full picture that Christ was inviting you to? How does humility inform your relationship to Christ?  To those around you? What does the story in Mark 10:17 and following say to you?  What feelings does it stir in you? Can you think of a time when you have asked Christ for something more?  What did he reveal to you? What might Christ be revealing to you that you must do to inherit eternal life? What is at stake in your life and preferences for you to step into obedience to Christ, to follow Him? Who or what competes for God’s place as Lord of your life? Security, comfort, independence – how do these keep you from stepping into the eternal life God has for you? What do you need to relinquish?  What emotions are stirred when you imagine giving it up? What would it look like to surrender to the all-powerful God? Sunday’s Bulletin