Snapshots of Fruit – John 15 & Selected Texts

Bethany Community Church » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Sunday, September, 25, 2011 Pastor Richard Dahlstrom Discussion Questions: Read Galatians 4:19.  Who in your life has yearned for Christ to be formed in you? Where do you see God’s reign visible in your experiences?  In your life? Are you where you want to be?  How is God using you wherever you are? How does God reveal Himself to you beyond scripture? How does intimacy with Christ influence the way you see the world around you? How does intimacy with Christ impact the way you do your job?  Your studies? Your relationships? Where does God have you?  How are you being fruitful where God has you? Jim Elliot wrote, “Wherever you are, be all there.”  How would our life look different if you were all there? What is the source of your confidence?  What would happen if it got stripped from you? What is more important to you than knowing Christ?  Why is it more important? What step can you take to turn or return to Christ?  What holds you back? If you attended church on Sunday, and heard Pastor Joe Springer teach, use these discussion questions. Sunday’s Bulletin