Speaking of Genesis…

Bethany Community Church » Podcast Feed show

Summary: We’re aware that every time we talk about the intersection of faith and science it brings up questions. In conjunction with Pastor Richard’s current “Genesis & Science” sermon series, we held a discussion panel to talk about these questions–and with the help of four Christian experts who work with science every day, we got some answers (or at least a left with quite a bit to think about). Listen to a podcast of the evening’s discussion below. Our panelists were Ben McFarland, Rod Stiling, Owen Thompson, and Adrian Wyard. Watch the video _____________________________ A list of books and other materials recommended by the panel members from the “Speaking of Genesis: A Panel to Answer Your Questions” discussion. Books recommended by the panel: Karl Giberson and Francis Collins, The Language of Science and Faith: Straight Answers to Genuine Questions (IVP Books, 2011) Francis Collins, The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief (Free Press, 2007) Alister McGrath, Dawkins’ GOD: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life (Wiley Blackwell, 2004) Heidi Campbell and Heather Looy, A Science and Religion Primer (Baker Academic, 2009) Ian Barbour, When Science Meets Religion: Enemies, Strangers, or Partners? (HarperOne, 2000) John F Haught. God after Darwin (Westview Press, 2007) David C. Lindberg, Ronald L. Numbers, When Science and Christianity Meet, (University of Chicago Press, 2003). Simon Conway Morris, Life’s Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe (Cambridge University Press, 2004) Kenneth Miller, Finding Darwin’s God: A Scientist’s Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution (Harper Perennial, 2007) R Russell, W Stoeger, F Ayala, Evolutionary Molecular Biology: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action (University of Notre Dame Press, 1999) Online resources recommended by the panel: Counterbalance An extensive library of science and religion materials. Featuring introductory video, interviews, textbook samples, biographies, a glossary of science and religion terms, and advanced articles. Introductory video on faith and science (five-minute clips) Question: Where did we come from? What is the geological evidence for an old earth? For an explanation of the different methods of dating objects and why they are reliable (and agree with each other) see the three-part series “How Old Is It? How Do We Know? A Review of Dating Methods …” by Davis A. Young in PSCF. (Level = Scientific Journal with Explanation for Those Outside the Field) Why is “Creationism” a debate in America but not in Europe? For a fascinating outline of specific historical reasons why American evangelicals distrust science, see “Evangelicals, Creation, and Scripture: An Overview” by Mark Noll, published by BioLogos and in PSCF. (Level = Historical Journal) How can the story of science and the story of God interact for good? For a view of how the science of chemistry and the theology of creation align described by a long-time Bethany member, see “The Chemical Constraints on Creation: Natural Theology and Narrative Resonance” (pdf) by Ben McFarland (2010 Weter Lecture), audio/video on iTunesU. (Level = Post-College Lecture) Other talks by Ben McFarland on faith and science include “Trees of Life” about Tolkien and DNA in 2011, “The Sounds of New Creation” which is a ‘Last Lecture’ awarded in 2011, and “What Good is Evolution?” in 2010, all of which are online on iTunesU, and “The Eight Days of Creation,” written for college students on his blog “Arrow Through the Sun.” Biology and theology For a controversial but Scripture-based interpretation of the Fall in the light of genomic science, see “Recent Genetic Science and Christian Theology on Human Origins: An “Aesthetic Supralapsarianism” by John Schneider, published by PSCF. Theology For a view of how the theory of evolution aligns with the theology that Jesus was God, see “Darwin, Design, and [...]