Genesis and the Environment – Genesis 1: 26–31

Bethany Community Church » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Sunday, November 20, 2011 | Pastor Richard Dahlstrom Discussion Questions by Pastor Nancy Eckardt What role does nature play in your worship? What role does consumption play in your worship? When has natural beauty invited you to God?  When has it distracted you from God? When have you seen God do something that humanity can’t do? How does relationship influence your holidays?  How do gifts play a role? What does dominion bring to mind for you? How have you seen an attitude of dominion be destructive in nature? In relationships? How might your subtle acts of dominion be impacting others? What would it look like for you, as God’s image-bearer, to love the earth as God loves the earth? How can you practice contentment?  What are barriers to contentment for you? Read Psalm 73:25.  How are you doing in moving toward contentment with Christ? What step can you take? Sunday’s Bulletin