What’s in a Word? – John 1:1–14

Bethany Community Church » Podcast Feed show

Summary: Sunday, December 4, 2011 | Pastor Joe Springer Discussion Questions by Pastor Nancy Eckardt What do we know at the time of John’s writing of his gospel that wasn’t known when Genesis was written? What is the significance of Jesus being the Word? When has your message been received differently than you intended? Why did God need to reveal Himself in the form of a human? How easy is it for you to understand that Jesus’ self-sacrifice and self-giving reflects the character of the invisible God? Do you see God the Father as having different characteristics than Jesus?  Why? In what ways has God pursued you?  How did you respond? How might God be pursuing you now and how are you responding? Where have you experienced or witnessed God’s reconciliation through Christ in your life?  Your relationships? Your community? Sunday’s Bulletin