#50 : Summary and Update Part I - 50th Episode!

The Martin Bailey Photography Podcast (Enhanced) show

Summary: That's 50 weeks of the Martin Bailey Photography Podcast! I want to thank all of you that keep on listening. One of the things that I constantly hear from listeners is that you appreciate the tips and techniques that you gain from my experiences in photography via this Podcast, that are applicable to your own photography. From today for a few weeks I'm going to take a brief look at each episode to date, and give a brief mention of what was discussed and mention one or two of the main points of that Podcast. I won't be able to cover all the tips and techniques of course. To do that, you need to listen to the original Podcasts. But kind of to celebrate the achievement of reaching the 50th episode, I'm hoping this will be a way to not only condense the main gist of what I've covered so far, but also give new comers a brief outline of what is in the archives. There are going to be many more pearls hiding in the old episodes, but with so much listening time needed to catch up, it's hard to think of where to start. Hopefully this will give you some pointers. As I go through them, I'll also talk about how things have changed since I first spoke about any particular tip or technique as necessary, so it'll be kind of like a condensed update too. I'll be as brief as possible, but I'm still going to need two or three more weeks to cover everything to date, along with updates, so please bear with me. Hopefully it will be worthwhile. Also, CONGRATULATIONS to Graham Morgan! Graham has just had an amazing double win in the Australian Wildlife Photography Competition with two amazing images. Check out the images and see the announcement on the MBP forum here: http://www.martinbaileyphotography.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=865 Please do take 5 minutes to complete the Listener's survey. You'll find a link and some reasons why I'm doing this here: http://www.martinbaileyphotography.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=549