Red Skelton – Juniors Secret. 481015

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Red and Ron talk about Rod's recent appearance in Texas with Art Linkletter, and used cars. Hey, I recognize some of those jokes from the Fibber McGee show from 1937 that I just posted about the autoshows. The Four Knights sing, the Dark Town Strutters Ball. Willie Lumplump is a man who hates Speeches. Willie leaves the banquet early, and tells the cabbie all about the fiasco that happened earlier in the evening. Flashback mode, and listen in as Willie both insults, and gets insulted. Then through alternating flashbacks, Red becomes the speaker, Senator Blowhard. David Rose plays, Sunrise Serenade. A page from the Mean Little Kids diary. Juniors mom starts a new job where female employees are not supposed to have children. Wow, I guess they could do that in 1948. Meanwhile, grandma takes Junior shopping. When Junior finds his mom working in her department in the store, he holds her secret over her head, just to torment her for a while.