Kill Your Cravings! | DRS-79

The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast show

Summary: In this episode of the Dr. Rob Show, we answer a listener question on how to curb those late night sugar and carbohydrate cravings. Our e-mailer mentions she is a marathon runner that is looking for her ideal marathon weight to be 115lbs. She has successfully gone from 125lbs to 117.8 after following phase 3 of Dr. Rob's E-book. However she finds herself wanting to snack later at night and does so from time to time. She asks us if there is anyway to get rid of these sugar and carb cravings at night. Dr. Rob explains what is at work in our body that makes us want to raid the fridge at night for a sugary snack and also gives advice on steps you can take to fight those cravings   Dr. Robs recommended products: Carb Craving Protocol Phosphatidylserine product (reduces cortisol levels)  Chromium Alpha Lipoic Acid product Show Note References: Peter Attia, MD's blog Gary Taubes, author of Good Calories / Bad Calories and Why We Are Fat Nutritional Sciences Initiative In This Episode of The Dr. Rob Show... Discuss how to curb nighttime food cravings Discuss what to eat to help you not crave sugar and carbs Recommend solutions regarding night time food cravings and healthy eating in general What do you think? Do you struggle with nighttime food cravings? Take Action! Send us your thoughts and questions Leave a comment for us here on the blog Connect with us on social media Twitter Facebook