The Open Book 10-12-12 now archived


Summary: The Open Book is back with Ashley (and a sneakily entering Sean) to give you all the usual news and views that we provide you with. They start with picks for this Sunday’s TNA Bound For Glory show, as well as touch on the big CM Punk &amp; Hulk Hogan news from the past week or so. A new segment then debuts, ‘What’s Going On In The World’, where topics covered include the Lance Armstrong situaition, inappropriate bullying, people getting caught on Youtube and one GIANT phone bill.<br> Part 2 has all the major gaming news of the week, with Borderlands 2 DLC having some issues, Halo 4 apparently being leaked out early (again), Sony’s lawsuit on Kevin Butler’s actor, T5’s lawsuit against Sony and PETA once again taking video games to task. We then talk a little Dishonored as that is ‘What Game Sean is Playing This Week’.<br> The final part covers some entertainment stories, including a new Peanuts film on the way, Raging Bull Vs. Rocky is also on the cards and Taken 3 seems to be in the works as well. Sean is also unhappy that the Batman Live event doesn’t seem to be coming to the east coast of America yet. We get a quick call from Anthony, which also sees the producer come on and share his hatred for David Blaine for some reason, before Linkin Park take us out with Song Of The Night.<br> NOTE – The Open Book now has an e-mail address that you can send in your thoughts on gaming &amp; entertainment topics over the week. The address is<br> <a href=""></a><br>