Episode 70: 11 October 2012

Galactic Suburbia show

Summary: In which Feminism 101 meets Aussie politics for a battle of the bands! News Julia Gillard and the Sexists of Doom The Speech (and bonus Penny Wong Interview) Commentary in the New Yorker @vodkandlime talks about the response to the Gillard speech Ben Peek on the failings of the mainstream media British Fantasy Awards: special squeeage for Angela Slatter, first Australian to win one. Jonathan Strahan and Nightshade Book launch Eclipse Online Strange Horizons Fundraising Drive is on Crikey looks at author earnings and advances. What Culture Have we Consumed? Alex: Deathless, Catherynne M Valente; Arc 1.3; Hydrogen Sonata, Iain M Banks; Looper; abandoned: Armored (ed John Joseph Adams) Tansy: The Outcast Chronicles, Rowena Cory Daniells; Unspoken, Sarah Rees Brennan; Wild Mary: A Life of Mary Wesley by Patrick Marnham, Under My Hat edited by Jonathan Strahan. Also GAME OF THRONES Alisa: The Future is Japanese (ed Nick Mamatas); Looper; Death’s Daughter, Amber Benson; Casual Vacancy J K Rowling; Studying Men and Masculinities, David Buchbinder Next Episode: feedback probably Please send feedback to us at galacticsuburbia@gmail.com, follow us on Twitter at @galacticsuburbs, check out Galactic Suburbia Podcast on Facebook and don't forget to leave a review on iTunes if you love us!