OWC Mercury Extreme Pro RE and making the switch to SSD Keynote Presentation

Typical Mac User Podcast show

Summary: This is a keynote presentation where I give the reasons for me making the switch to SSD and I also review and benchmark, the OWC Mercury Extreme Pro RE 200GB SSD drive. I compare it to the Hitachi 320GB 7200 RMP I had in my mid 2009 13″ MBP. A couple of post show observations. Seeing that I was not getting the kind of throughput that was advertised for the drive. I had an email discussion with my contact at OWC. He said this is do to the fact that I have an older Unibody MBP.  Apparently prior generation of MacBook Pros (which I used for my tests) have a performance cap at that 170MB/s range for write speed. The new April/2010 models have a better SATA controller that lets the speed kick up well over 200MB/s and thus how the drive gets it high sustained spec rating. Secondly, during the presentation I mention that SSD drives can be as much as 10 times more expensive that traditional drives. As you see on the presentation , I am getting much more than 10 times the speed and for me money means time. I don’t think SSD’s are for everyone yet, however for me this speed and ability to work faster is totally worth the money. Product Reviewed OWC Mercury Extreme Pro RE 200GB SSD drive