TMUP 218: Mac Maintenance Primer-Permission, Routine script maintenance and more

Typical Mac User Podcast show

Summary: This show is brought to you by me! If you haven’t done a review for the show please consider it it’s easy, just use this link. If you have already done a review, I thank you. Show Notes Cocktail Onyx Super Duper Carbon Copy Cloner launchd Repair Permissions Cache Unix Commands I spoke about: Running Daily, Weekly or Monthly scripts via Terminal At the the Terminal prompt type (you will need to put in admin password because of using the sudo command) sudo periodic daily (for Daily script) sudo periodic weekly (for weekly script) sudo periodic monthly (for monthly script Checking the last time the scrips were ran, using a terminal command type the command ls -al /var/log/*.out You will get a result like this.... johnnyAppleseeds-Mac-Pro:~ jas$ ls -al /var/log/*.out -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1321446 Oct  9 03:15 /var/log/daily.out -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel     2455 Oct  1 05:30 /var/log/monthly.out -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel     4959 Oct  9 03:15 /var/log/weekly.out