TMUP 219: Audio Workflow and Creating Music on iPhone and iPad

Typical Mac User Podcast show

Summary: This show is brought to you by me! If you haven’t done a review for the show please consider it it’s easy, just use this link. If you have already done a review, I thank you. Show Notes Fantastocrats where you can get StudioMini and StudioMini XL Audio Setup Show notes Victor’s Setup Mic Shure SM7  Retail $349 Processor Aphex 230 vocal strip Retail $799 Mixing Board Mackie Onyx 1220i  You can get this board for $599 Recording Tascam HD-p2  Retail $999 Post I use Levelator to even-out the sound levels of any files sent to me or when I record interviews.  It’s software that runs on Windows, OS X (universal binary), or Linux (Ubuntu) that adjusts the audio levels within your podcast or other audio file for variations from one speaker to the next, for example. It’s not a compressor, normalizer or limiter although it contains all three. I use Sound Track Pro for multi Track editing. This is where i put in all my audio clips, interviews, music etc to build the show. STP is part of Final Cut Suite which is $999 but you can also get it with Logic Pro for $499 I use Bias Peak Pro 6 Retail $599 for mastering the final product that gets turned into an MP3 in iTunes and sent to you So my total investment is roughly $3844 US Georges Audio Chain Mic I have Victor’s old original mic.  It is an xlr condensor mic, approximately $100. Processing (Hardware) dbx 266XL - $130 I also have Victor’s old dbx 266XL compressor – gate.  This is great for just a touch of compression and gating out background noise when I am not speaking. Mixing Board Mackie 802-VLZ3 – $200 I have a simpler board than Victor.  One aux bus.  This is important for what we call mix minus.  I have the Mackie 802-VLZ3.  It is pure old school analog audio.  No usb or firewire. Recording (software) I tend to record most often in an old podcaster reliable package called Audio Hijack Pro.  I use a couple of audio plugins to do processing saving me work in post production. Soundsoap – $129 Izotope Alloy -$249 Sometimes I use Wiretap Studio where I intend on doing less post production since it lets me do very basic editing on the clip before exporting it.  I also use my audio plugins in this processing stack. Audio Hijaack Pro – $32 Wiretap Studio – $69 I don’t use it often since most of my recording is made to be handled in post rather than “live to hard drive”.  But I also love and sometimes leverage Wiretap Anywhere – $129 Recording (Hardware) Sometimes if doing critical long recording I will hang either my iPad or my Zoom H2 recorder off the mixing board as a backup recorder. On my iPad I record using the app Fire Field Recorder.  They have licensed iZotope plugins and I find the Noise Gate plugin works great and makes a nice low work in post production file. Fire Field Recorder Post I too live in Soundtrack Pro from Apple.  I very rarely bother with other apps but have used Audacity and Garageband over the years.  I very often setup multitrack templates for regular shows I edit.  Even ones I just edit and not record.  I have a good video on my youTube channel on how I do this template.  It includes the processing stacks I put on each host and leave there to reduce my time spent tweaking the sound quality.  It is the “Setting up a Podcast Multitrack Project Template in Soundtrack Pro” on George’s YouTube Channel I used to use Levelator a lot.  But these days I have things so dialed in that I rarely have to use it.  But then I achieve the same result by doing some RMS and Peak leveling as part of my workflow in Soundtrack Pro.  Now and then I will still use Levelator especially if I get tracks from someone else. My Total Investment ignoring my ipad and Zoom H2 is about $1800 for what is really used constantly in my chain.