Ep. 30 – The Milestone Epic

The Widget: Games, Tech, Whatever show

Summary: Wow. Check that out. Episode 30. I can't believe we've made it this far. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we decided to hold an impromptu call-in show. Now usually, this is the part where I give you a rundown of topics that we talked about in the show, but that really doesn't apply this week. Sure, we talked about tech stuff, but the real meat of the show is the craziness that ensued when myself, Ryan, Karza and Jason "CountZer0" got to chat it up with our varied audience members. It's a real trip, you know? In the short amount of time that we've been doing this show, a real solid community has sprung up to support it. And the great part is that it's people from all over the world; young, old(er), and the insane... but all united by the joy of geeking it out with us every week. It's been a great run so far, and with fans like you, it's going to be a great run in the future. I want to send out a honest-to-goodness thank you to each and every one of you that has wrote in, posted, called, and most importantly, listened. Doing this show has had it's ups and downs, and I'm glad that you guys all keep coming back for more. Well, here's to our fans... as always, this show is for you. - Tim