Ep. 86 – Salvaged

The Widget: Games, Tech, Whatever show

Summary: First off: the audio quality on this episode is below our usual high-standards. A mid-recording glitch in the process rendered Tim's audio channel nearly inaudible for the duration of the episode. However, through some digital black magic, it was able to be resurrected, but at the expense of some audio quality. Just so everyone knows, we're blaming Dave. That being said, here's what you'll find in this episode: Intel recalls Sandy Bridge chipsets due to a manufacturing flaw, Dave Bunchanumbers nearly destroys his new PC by installing his heatsink backwards, Nokia ditches Symbian and MeeGo and embraces the loving electronic arms of Windows Phone 7, Sony is cracking down on the people who broke open the PS3, a pre-release build of Crysis 2 was leaked, and much more (lots of viewer mail to sift through as well). Hugs.