Ep. 104 – A Serbian Centipede Christmas

The Widget: Games, Tech, Whatever show

Summary: Happy holiday season, everyone! For this last Widget of 2011 (onwards to year 7), we dive into why on earth Paul decided to watch 'The Human Centipede 2' and 'A Serbian Film', against all better judgement. Other than that, here's a handy list of other, less repulsive subjects that we cover: The Widget decides AMD Bulldozer sucks... Paul buys one anyway  AMD says it plans to concentrate on mobile chips but also still on track to release bulldozer successor in Q3 2012.  Companies/Universities buying up .XXX domain names to protect their brand.  Hitachi 3.5" internal 4TB hard disks spotted in the wild.  Android apps top 10 billion downloads. Infinity Blade 2 released Xbox Live app for iOS Scribblenauts Remix gets Siri support Microsoft rolls out Metro UI Xbox dashboard update, aka Advert Dashboard. Users react to block ads. Onlive open to working with Microsoft and/or Sony. IOS app on the way but they forgot to tell Apple. Also releasing a new joypad for portable devices. Mass confusion over Miyamoto's new role at Nintendo Wii has now officially sold 37.7 MILLION units in U.S.; 80+ million worldwide Dead or Alive 5 is 'fighting game entertainment'. Giant swaying boobs for everyone! EA release Theme Park IOS and destroy it in a sea of microtransactions. More Sony proprietary bullshit, aka Vita memory cards. More Duke Nukem DLC on the way. 100% the best and most innovative anti-piracy method seen yet. Beware, the awful Jurassic Park game will get a boxed release. Star Wars Old Republic release date brought forward. Notch stepping away from Minecraft. And of course, viewer mail featuring our friend and mentor, Bad Grammar Terry. We'll talk at you again in 2012!