Need to Know, March 25, 2011: Wounded in war, Arne Duncan, breast cancer research

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Summary: This week on Need to Know, our medical correspondent Dr. Emily Senay examines the difficult road to advancement in cancer treatment by looking at three clinical trials for breast cancer -- one involving new chemotherapy treatments, another involving freezing cancer tumors as a potential substitute for surgery, and another using scalp cooling to salvage the hair of chemotherapy patients. Also: We tell the story of a group of U.S. soldiers whose lives were forever changed by a rocket attack in Baghdad seven years ago, and Alison Stewart sits down with activist Leymah Gbowee, whose work in Liberia helped bring down Charles Taylor's regime, to discuss political reform within the country and in the rest of West Africa. And: U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan speaks to Jon Meacham about the Obama administration’s push to revise No Child Left Behind. Watch the individual segments: ( Wounded in war, seven years later ( On April 24, 2004, the Renaud brothers were embedded with the U.S. Army in Iraq. Their cameras were rolling as a rocket attack struck an American military base in Baghdad, killing four soldiers and severely wounding Wayne Irelan and Anthony Smith. This story brings these soldiers together and tells the story of how those few seconds in Iraq changed their lives forever. ( Interview: Leymah Gbowee ( Alison Stewart talks with activist Leymah Gbowee, who spearheaded Liberia's women's peace movement that brought down the brutal government of President Charles Taylor. Gbowee has continued to push for reforms in her home country but also in other countries in West Africa. ( Breast cancer research ( Correspondent Dr. Emily Senay examines three clinical trials for breast cancer treatment. One is a revolutionary way to test new chemotherapy treatments, another explores whether freezing breast cancer tumors can one day replace surgery, and the third investigates whether scalp cooling can save the hair of patients who undergo chemotherapy. ( Interview: Arne Duncan ( Education Secretary Arne Duncan talks to Jon Meacham about the Obama administration’s push to revise No Child Left Behind and how the U.S. can regain lost ground in educational excellence. INTERVIEW: ARNE DUNCAN Watch more full episodes of Need to Know.