Need to Know, April 29, 2011: Joe Nocera on the Charlie Engle story, Tavis Smiley, free music education in Chicago

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Summary: This week, we sit down with New York Times columnist Joe Nocera, who recently reported on the case of Charlie Engle, a marathon runner who served jail time after being convicted of lying on a mortgage application. Nocera questions why borrowers like Engle are being prosecuted while lenders responsible for the subprime mortgage crisis still have not faced punishment. Also: Alison Stewart speaks with PBS talk show host Tavis Smiley about his new book "Fail Up: 20 Lessons on Building Success from Failure." We also visit a music school in Chicago that is providing free lessons to fill the gap left by budget cuts in music education in public schools. And: Jon Meacham comments on transparency in corporate political donations. Tune in this Friday, April 29 to watch the full episode. Check your local listings ( for details. Watch the individual segments: (#)( Big fish, little fish: Why the executives behind the financial crisis aren't facing jail time ( Need to Know's Shoshana Guy speaks with New York Times op-ed columnist Joe Nocera about his reporting on Charlie Engle, one of the "little fish" who went to jail after being convicted of lying on a mortgage application, while many of the "biggest fish" responsible for subprime mortgage crisis haven't faced criminal prosecution. (#)( Interview: Louise Story ( Alison Stewart sits down with New York Times reporter Louise Story to discuss why, in the aftermath of the financial crisis that generated hundreds of billions in losses, no high-profile participants in the disaster been criminally prosecuted or jailed. (#)( Tavis Smiley on 'failing better' ( PBS talk show host and author Tavis Smiley ( talks with Alison Stewart about his new book, "Fail Up: 20 Lessons on Building Success from Failure." (#)( Jon Meacham: America's 'moneyed' political culture ( After reports that President Obama is considering an executive order to require federal contractors to disclose political spending, Jon Meacham discusses why we need transparency in corporate political contributions. (#)( Music lessons: The People's Music School ( Dozens of Chicago families wait in line for days and nights, attempting to win one of the limited spaces in a music school that provides free lessons to the lucky students who get in. The People's Music School is trying to fill the gap in music education left by budget cuts to public school music programs. Watch more full episodes of Need to Know. Big fish, little fish: Why the executives behind the financial crisis aren’t facing jail time