Dhamma Podcasts from Pariyatti.org: Talk and Q&A from Paul Fleischman's 2006 Europe tour

Pariyatti show

Summary: A talk and Q&A from Paul Fleischman's 2006 Europe tour. Paul Fleischman Barcelona, Spain May 2006 38 minutes Streaming Audio (ideal for users with slower Internet connections): Click here to listen Download (14 MB): Click here to download In Nov. and Dec. 2007 Paul R. Fleischman will be visiting Europe again, and giving a series of conference presentations and public talks about Vipassana Meditation both to the general public and to professional groups. For more information, please visit: www.events.dhamma.org Copyright, 2006 Vipassana Research Institute There is more information about vipassana meditation at Dhamma.org, and books and audio resources available for purchase in the Pariyatti bookstore. May all beings be happy!