Oprah - OWN - Allie's Submission

Ask Allie show

Summary: Oprah's new network OWN had a new host contest. I did my video (after many tries), filled out the very long application - hit send - and got a "gateway timeout error". My ID said I submitted - couldn't resubmit. Got an email today from Oprah's team saying it was over the 3 min allowed - resubmit. Only problem is - I can't. Pooh Bears. So here it is. I must warn you - I'm a geek and get emotional towards the end. Show Name: Get Real Tag Line: Frank Talk About Love, Sex and Relationships. Premise: A TV/radio show with special guests talking about love, sex, dating, marriage and divorce topics. People can listen via radio and call in - watch on their TV and call in. Or if they are too worried that someone will recognize their voice - they can IM, TXT or Email their questions. No legal love/sex/relationship topic is off limits. Open to single, married, divorced, widowed, dating, friends with benefits, heterosexual, gay, lesbian, transsexual.