Mosaic News - 10/10/12: World News From The Middle East [VIDEO]

Mosaic: World News From The Middle East show

Summary: <p>Thousands march to demand justice for massacre of Copts in Cairo, Israel gears up for early elections amid Palestinian fears of renewed violence, Pakistani girl shot in head by Taliban remains in critical condition, and more.</p><br><br>Thousands march to demand justice for massacre of Copts in Cairo<br>Al-Alam, Iran<br><br>Israel gears up for early elections amid Palestinian fears of renewed violence<br>Dubai TV, UAE<br><br>Another Operation Cast Lead on Gaza?<br>Palestine TV, Ramallah<br><br>Al-Qassam sends rockets to southern Israel as IDF comes under fire in Gaza Strip<br>IBA, Israel<br><br>French police finds cache of bomb-making materials in Paris suburb<br>IBA, Israel<br><br>Mitt Romney shares 'the same red lines' on Iran as Israeli PM<br>IBA, Israel<br><br>Pakistani girl shot in head by Taliban remains in critical condition<br>Al Jazeera, Qatar<br><br>Syrian army sends reinforcements after rebels seize key town<br>New TV, Lebanon<br><br>Syria rejects UN calls for unilateral truce<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Iraqi PM urges NATO to stay out of Syria conflict<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Iranians protest against US for removing MKO from terror list<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Afghans hold protest rally against deadly nocturnal US raids<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>NATO defense ministers concerned about surge of Afghan 'green-on-blue' attacks<br>Press TV, Iran<br><br>Jordan's King Abdullah appoints PM to prepare for elections<br>BBC Arabic, UK<br><br>