IHR Episode #42 (Enhanced) – Mbox 2 Mini and Contest Entries (IHR_2007_05_25)

Inside Home Recording - Enhanced AAC Podcast show

Summary: [Play IHR #42 now] Shownotes Try GotoMeeting free for 45 days! For this special offer, visit www.gotomeeting.com/podcast. Total time 30 min 12 sec. More news from Paul and Derek from around the audio world, a review of Digidesign's Mbox 2 Mini, and some of the first entries into our latest IHR "Show Us and Tell" contest (deadline is July 1, 2007). If you can play Enhanced podcasts (AAC enhanced) on your iPod or PlayStation Portable, or in iTunes or QuickTime, you'll find lots of photos and links accompanying this episode. 00:00 Intros, more cancer treatment fun with Derek. 03:45 NEWS: VocalTuning.com, Ableton's Live Lite to Live 6 upgrade, Paul's Apple podcasting tour continues in June, and he appears on The Lab With Leo on TV in Canada and Australia. The Zoom H2 recorder has also been delayed until August, with a new microphone design. 10:18 Thanks again to GoToMeeting.com for sponsoring the show. 11:27 GEAR REVIEW: Paul reviews his Digidesign Mbox 2 Mini. 19:47 CONTEST: Our "Show Us and Tell" contest asks you to send us your favourite original recording as an MP3 attachment, with "Contest" somewhere in the subject line, to contests {at} insidehomerecording {dot} com with an audio or written explanation of how you put it together. (Note that cover tunes of non-public-domain music won't work, because we can't play them on the show.) We'll randomly draw from all submissions (one per person) for some great prizes in July. The deadline is July 1, 2007. So get recording! Today we talk about two entries, Robert Willey's mellow "Into the Blue" (MP3) and Dead Hot Blonde's very non-mellow "Walk Away" (MP3). 25:31 EDITORIAL: The pros and cons of automated software updates. They can be essential for security if you're connected to the Internet, but there are also hazards for complex audio production environments. 30:12 END. This episode of Inside Home Recording is sponsored by GoToMeeting.com (online meetings made easy with GoToMeeting: try it free for 45 days); M-Audio (thanks for the use of Pro Tools M-Powered); and Source Elements (thanks for the use of Source-Connect). We are also part of the Home Recording Network and Blubrry.com groups of podcasts. Credits Sounds: Our theme music, "Acidic Bond," is by Steven Dennis in Louisiana, U.S.A., and our voiceovers are by Steve Herringer in Vancouver. Pictures: The Home Recording Network "lava lamp" logo is based on an image by und_dann. Photo portraits of Paul and Derek are by Kris Krug. Other photos are from blackcustard and citroenverde at Flickr. Join the IHR listener forums. Also remember that you can post your photos to the IHR Flickr Group -- joining Flickr to share photos is free. This podcast is 2007 by Inside Home Recording under a Creative Commons license creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/ca