The Basement Replacement Edition

The Cricket and Seagull Fireside Chat show

Summary: The two best things about producing The Cricket and Seagull every week are 1) the interesting people I get to interview, and 2) the listeners who send an email with a comment, a guest they'd like to hear, or just encouragment. So, I'm sorry to disappoint on those rare occasions where I can't get a show done -- and this month I've missed 3 in a row due to flooding and water damage. So, this is just a quick update -- we'll call it the -- Basement Replacement edition -- the whole studio has had to be removed and will be repainted, recarpeted and the equipment moved back in. So today I'm coming to you live from -- my bedroom. Hope you don't mind. We'll be back in business this Friday, appearing on like usual, and of course the podcast. The Podcast also has a new website that's pretty easy to remember; it's Coming up in the next three weeks I'll be editing interviews I did during the annual LDS Booksellers Convention in Salt Lake City, and during BYU Campus Education Week. These will include world-reknowned pianist Marvin Goldstein, folksinger and songwriter Sam Payne, and the new 4-member women's vocal group called One Clear Voice. They were all great guests with terrific music and I can't wait to share them all with you starting this Friday! Also, the Podcast itself will be moving to a shiny new spot on the web. iTunes should automatically redirect without you needing to do anything when the change happens, but if you're feeling tech-savvy and don't want to miss an episode, just go to iTunes or whatever Podcatcher you use, and resubscribe using the following URL (you can cut and past this): Also, be sure and send an email to and let me know what you'd like to hear -- your favorite musical or visual artists, authors, scholars, and more! We'll go out with a preview of One Clear Voice singing "Be Thou My Vision" from their new debut CD "One Clear Voice."