Escape Directors – Audio Gumshoe 140

Audio Gumshoe show

Summary: Sponsor: Visit, click the try it free button and use promo code: Podcast. Songs Played - Car Crash - Honest Man - When You're Gone - Mrs. Davenport - Fall Together "The Escape Directors create a sound bound to appeal to a mass audience. With inspiration ranging from indie-greats Death Cab for Cutie and Damien Rice, to rock powerhouses Coldplay, the band creates a crisp and clear sound." -Alicia Fiorletta Entertainment Editor - Pioneer Times So Jersey Joe sends me an email that says that an awesome, young New Jersey band is giving away their CD for free. Tell me, who wouldn't take a few moments to investigate the group to find out if it is "worth" getting the CD for free? Wait, how can a FREE CD have any worth? Truthfully, this one holds more value than can be realized by monetary gains. It is obvious that the band Escape Directors is learning from Ariel Hyatt's (CyberPR) "Music Success in Nine Weeks" program. It is a good thing, too. Because of their efforts, they are building momentum, generating buzz, creating hype -- whatever you want to call it. They are getting more listeners and earning more fans. Isn't this one of the points in creating music? Of course there is the gratification of the creative process. But, overall, I think it is always the greatest gratification to know that you've created something that others truly want to hear. I jumped in with both feet (ears?) and downloaded the CD " Ladders". I found a very radio friendly collection of tunes. As an evangelist for independent music, you might think me an enemy of all things radio friendly. Not so. I simply don't like the same old commercialized, formulated, and often pop music factory assembled drivel that we seem to hear in rotation hour after hour. I can, however, appreciate that a band refines their craft, giving tedious attention to the production process, and building a product that is worth hearing, keeping, and even sharing. Escape Directors market themselves to "appeal to a mass audience". They cite their influences to be Death Cab For Cutie, Coldplay, Radiohead, The Beatles, Brand New, Local Natives, Sigur Ros, and Coffee. [Is that the band or the drink? Coffee influences me almost daily.] Regardless, they have created a very catchy album that I've not been shy to listen to over and again. The stand out tracks for me are those that I've played in this episode of Audio Gumshoe, but I found it very difficult to refrain from trying to play the whole album for you. I hope that you'll take the time to listen to the entire show -- and if you like what you hear, download the songs for your listening pleasure, as well. Be sure to tip the band if you feel so inclined -- or pay for the album at iTunes or Amazon. The links are below. I know the guys would appreciate it. Get the Music Ladders at UPDATE: I've been encouraged to share the FREE download link (but I still think you should buy it). :) Artist Links Escape Directors web site Escape Directors at Facebook Escape Directors on Twitter Escape Directors at ReverbNation Escape Directors on YouTube Escape Directors at MySpace Associated Links Association of Music Podcasting Blubrry Podcast Network Audio Gumshoe on Twitter Audio Gumshoe on Facebook Audio Gumshoe on MySpace The audio file for this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.