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Summary: This episode is dedicated to listener questions and more:--you spoke about admittance into the holy city of Mecca in a recent episode, and that only Muslims are allowed into the city... does this mean absolutely no one but a practicing Muslim may visit Mecca?  What about Mystics, or students of religion who are not practicing Muslims, but have deep respect and reverence for Islam and the Kabba?--being an Islamic state, naturally most everyone in Saudi Arabia must be Muslim--but are there non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia as well?  How are people of other faiths viewed in Saudi Arabia?  How is mysticism, and more specifically Sufism viewed in Saudi Arabia?--is it at all common for westerners to visit Saudi Arabia as tourists, and if so, how are they viewed/treated in Saudi Arabia?--could you descibe more about how the Islamic police system works in enforcing Islamic Law?  How is this viewed by Saudis... is it seen as oppressive?  as comforting?--is there an enforced dress code in Saudi Arabia-- or a socially expected one?  I know in parts of the Middle East it is expected for men to have short hair and beards, etc. how does Saudi Arabia compare with the rest of the Islamic world in this regard?