PDP #23 - "The House Among the Laurels" by William Hope Hodgson, Part 2

The Public Domain Podcast show

Summary: The conclusion of "The House Among the Laurels". In the first part we left our ghost hunter just sitting down from his preparations in the haunted house with his friend and with several police constables. This part tells of the final moments of the preparations and what happens afterwards... File size is 7.5 MB and the length is 20 minutes and 46 seconds. Manual download link here. On an administrative note, I will be returning to my once a week release schedule, thank you for hanging in there with me. When I started my podcast I was one of the few podcasts out there for audiobooks, I've got increased competition now which has gotten more media attention than my own humble podcast so I appreciate you spending the time to stick with me. If you'd like to help spread the word please see my Link to me page, add me to your delicious or other social bookmarking places or just tell all your friends. Thanks for listening! ~ e Technorati tags: William Hope Hodgson, audiobooks Shop for: Geek gifts and Chess gifts