Getting The Inside Scoop with Tom Knapp

The Lancast show

Summary: Tom Knapp is a man who lives and breaths journalism. Ever since the sixth grade when he had to do an interview for his class newspaper Tom knew journalism was what he was going to do with his life. Now after nearly twenty-eight years with the Lancaster Newspaper, Tom shares with us what the life of a local journalist is like. A little over ten years ago Tom started combining his love for music and books with journalism and started the review website Rambles.NET. What started as a small project for him and his friends to write on now has over three hundred contributors and almost fourteen thousand reviews. Tom tells us about how he got the site up and how it's grown. We also talk a little bit with Tom about his love for and playing of Irish music and his band Fire in the Glen. During this portion of the show Tom mentions previous guest Jason Mondok. Support for this episode provided by Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Theme music: Invisible Walls by Revolution Void Break music: Flamenspace by Löhstana What are your thoughts about this episode? We welcome your responses in the comments below.