Childhood Development Through Massage Therapy

The Lancast show

Summary: Aimee Ketchum, a pediatric occupational therapist, joined us to talk about early childhood development and her DVD series that she produces under the name of Aimee’s Babies. Aimee’s main goal through Aimee’s Babies is to educate as many new parents as possible about what they can expect for their child’s development. Her DVD introduces parents to baby massage and the developmental phases of the senses, balance and motor skills in early childhood. Why baby massage? Baby massage can positively impact a baby’s motor skills, balance, body awareness, immune system, and sleep. It can also help to calm colicky babies. Aimee encourages parents to be aware; "Early child development is very highly variable, so don’t obsess about chart standards" she says, "What is important is that your child is continuing to reach milestones consistently and not skip any. Each phase is important to their growth and development now and in the future as well." Aimee is currently working on another DVD for toddlers with yoga that is scheduled to release by the end of this year. In addition to her DVD productions, she has four apps for the iPhone to assist parents with baby massage and other developmental topics. She blogs and writes a bi-monthly article for Fine Living Magazine and lectures at hospitals and colleges. Aimee’s Babies was also featured on the Rachel Ray Show and listed as one of Rachel’s top five must-haves for your baby. For more information please visit Aimee’s Babies online and on Facebook Special thanks to Becky Svendsen for being our guest co-host while Keith is on leave to celebrate the birth of his fourth child. Support for this episode provided by Winding Way Books, & Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Theme music: Invisible Walls by Revolution Void Break music: An Other Side by Xenyka