Public Art From The Inside Out

The Lancast show

Summary: When Erica Millner and her partner came to live on West King St. in Lancaster, PA, it was difficult to connect with the neighbors on any level. But after bringing the Inside Out Project to the neighborhood, there seemed to be a significant change in that respect. Inside Out is a global art project that displays large black and white images of everyday people in public places. The project is designed in a way that makes it very easy for people to participate all over the world. Images can be uploaded to the project website and prints are made and sent back to be mounted and displayed for the public. Erica approached her friend, local photographer Jenny Schulder Brant, about assisting her in photographing some of the people in her neighborhood. What transpired after that was inspiring, to say the least. People who would never talk to her before started saying hello and bringing people by to see the pictures, which she had pasted to the outside of her house. The art project seemed to act as a catalyst relationally and brought a sense of pride to the people who live there. Erica and Jenny’s art project was one of five Lancaster groups fecatured in a recent Lancaster County Community Foundation lecture called “Aha Moments”. They have plans for many more arts and community-building projects in the future. If you’d like to contact either Erica or Jenny, or find out more about the Inside Out Project, you can do so at one of the following links.,,,, Support for this episode provided by Winding Way Books, & Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Theme music: Invisible Walls by Revolution Void Break music: An Other Side by Xenyka