The Musical Bond of Jenny & Tyler

The Lancast show

Summary: Jenny & Tyler have a personal relationship and a professional relationship.  Largely, the two of those are one and the same for this traveling folk/rock duo. When it comes to the music, they have a give-and-take approach to writing their songs and they share the spotlight equally. Both Jenny and Tyler come from very musical backgrounds with a wide variety of influences ranging from classical to country. If you listen to their past projects you can hear how their sound has evolved and how they have gradually rounded each other out. They talked with us about trying to find their identity and feeling like they've finally begun to "settle in". Many of the songs that have made the cut present very intimate and personal themes about life and faith. Based out of Nashville, Jenny and Tyler are making the rounds on the house concert circuit. We caught up with them while they were playing a show at Burlap and Bean Coffee in Newton Square, Pennsylvania and got to hear two of the songs from their latest album, Faint Not. You can check out their tour schedule and download music at and keep up with they're journeys by liking them on Facebook. Support for this episode provided by Winding Way Books, & Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Theme music: Invisible Walls by Revolution Void Break music: An Other Side by Xenyka