Dr. Amanda Kemp & The Theatre For Transformation

The Lancast show

Summary: Theatre for Transformation is about just that: being transformed. For Dr. Amanda Kemp, it is a process, one that she hopes will affect the viewer as much as if affects the participants. "Theatre for Transformation...encourage[s] people to remember, forgive and to create something new." Founded in 2007 by Kemp, the company seeks to address the hardships of historic African-Americans through drama and to bring healing and personal growth to current generations. Dr. Kemp writes most of the productions herself and performs in them as well. She talked with us about her own transformation of thought while producing the plays and how she worked through some of her own prejudices in the process. Two 1-act plays will be performed this month at Millersville University's Ware Center. One of the plays, Sister Friend, follows the life and writings of Phillis Wheatley. The second play, Show Me the Franklins, will be presented for the last time on January 28th, after running for four years. Both productions are approximately 30 min in length. For more information on upcoming performances and how to reserve tickets, visit www.theatrefortransformation.org. Support for this episode provided by Winding Way Books, & Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Theme music: Invisible Walls by Revolution Void Break music: An Other Side by Xenyka