The Story Behind The Chameleon Club Documentary

The Lancast show

Summary: Director Allen Clements first discovered the Chameleon Club while touring in a band. The club had such an impact on him that he quickly realized a need to document everything the club was and had to offer so that others could discover it as well. Making The Chameleon Club Documentary took Allen 5 years to complete. Using everything from posting flyers to harnessing the power of social media he was able to gather an immense amount of old footage, photos, and music from band that played at the club including bands like Live & Suddenly Tammy. Compiling that all down to a one hour film is no small feat, but with the help of his team at PostageVFX and a group of passionate community members the project was wrapped up. The film is available online through Check out the trailer below and make sure to leave a comment with your favorite memory from the Chameleon Club by February 4th, 2012 to be be entered into the contest to win a copy of the documentary. Your browser does not support video Support for this episode provided by Winding Way Books, & Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Theme music: Invisible Walls by Revolution Void Break music: An Other Side by Xenyka