The Incorporated Ruby, Jasmine Grimm

The Lancast show

Summary: Jasmine Grimm knows a good piece of clothing when she sees it. And she knows how to make a girl feel like a million bucks, no matter what the budget. Her style-consulting business, Ruby, Inc., not only helps women find good clothing without breaking the bank, but also educates them about their body type and how to shop for clothes that accentuate all the right features. She starts with her client’s body shape, and then determines what style they’re looking for. From there, she develops a game plan and then it’s off to the mall. But Jasmine insists that no matter where you shop, whether it would be Niemen Marcus or Goodwill, she can help you find a style that works for your shape. Her goal in all of this is to help grow the clients’ self-esteem and to give them  confidence in developing their personal style. Though low self-esteem in regards to appearance is typically seen as a female concern, we talk about how this can be an issue for men as well. Keith tells about his adventures in shirt tailoring and David lets us in on a quirky fact about his own wardrobe. In other news, Jasmine is active in the martial arts. We all got to talking about some of our personal experiences with various forms of martial arts, and let’s just say it will be worth your while to listen to this part of the show. Hilarity may ensue. Other topics of discussion include Mortal Combat, Angry Birds, and how many arguments Keith has not won with his wife. If you’d like more information on Jasmine’s consulting services, check out her facebook page here. Also, check out her blog for helpful tips and fashion tricks. You can reach Jasmine by phone at 717.517.8266. Support for this episode provided by Winding Way Books, & Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Theme music: Invisible Walls by Revolution Void Break music: An Other Side by Xenyka