Ladies Night #1: Women’s Trends

The Lancast show

Summary: Since David and Keith decided to introduce “Guys Night” a few weeks ago on the Lancast, we girls have been thinking about launching our own show.  We figure there’s plenty of topics we’d like to discuss that our female listeners may also share an interest in. After much pestering, Becky and I were able to convince David to let us give it a try. Welcome to the very first episode of Ladies Night. We’ve decided to call this show Women’s Trends. We wanted to discuss things that we’ve seen becoming popular among our peer groups such as Chobani Greek Yogurt and Pinterest. If you’ve never heard of these, check them out. If you have heard of them, let us know what your thoughts are below. Since I personally am new to both, I will follow up with my own opinions on our next episode. Both Becky and I have a creative side, one that may not get utilized as much as we would like. We talked about some of our ideas for projects that we think are Pinterest -worthy, and someday hope to accomplish. We also talked about the growing interest in natural childbirth and midwifery. I gave a very long-winded account of the births of my four children and Becky graciously sat through the whole thing without looking bored. (Well, I do have four kids, and to be fair, I had to cover all of them!) Hopefully, though, if you’re expecting a child and you’re thinking about having a natural birth, I inspired you to give it a try. You can find the website for Birth Care where I most recently delivered here. If there is one thing I have trouble with, it’s listening to the sound of my own voice. That being said, I don’t think I did too badly for the first time around. You can tell I was nervous because I used the phrase “kind-of” about a hundred times in the first five minutes. I was concentrating so hard on not saying “like”, that I didn’t realize I just replaced it with a new set of words. Becky, however, is a natural. She is an excellent co-host, very well-spoken, and I had a blast working with her for our first show. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, and as always, thanks for listening! Support for this episode provided by WindingWay Books, & Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Theme music: Invisible Walls by Revolution Void Break music: An Other Side by Xenyka