Guy’s Night #2: Musical Bacon Art

The Lancast show

Summary: It’s that time again…where the “guys” of The Lancast bequeath to us their knowledge (or not) of current trends and things that they find personally interesting. This week, David decided to lead in with a topic most anyone would find exciting: bacon. Yes, folks, bacon. Bacon burgers, bacon sundaes, bacon soda. With such an appetizing start to the discussion, the conversation quickly turned to how unappetizing fast food’s attempt at healthful food can be. Keith brought up the debate about homeschool vs. public school and all three guys had some personal insights to bring to the table. Next up, Jason Mundok told us about his newest project at Wood Stove House. It’s a new theater venture called Play Grounds: Theater on Site that will present on May 5 and 6 during Lancaster’s annual Artwalk. Three playwrights and three directors will create site specific plays at three different locations downtown and the audience will move from site to site during the event. Each play is unique and not connected with the others in theme or storyline. The shows will be open to the public free of charge, but Woodstove is trying to raise funds to help pull off the event. Other points of discussion included First and Third Fridays and their success, and the growing trend in house concerts here in Lancaster. David’s article in the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce magazine Connections can be found here. Know something about any of these topics? Have a question for one of the guys? Join the conversation by posting a comment below. And as always, thanks for listening. Photos Courtesy of Chetroy Productions Support for this episode provided by WindingWay Books and Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Theme music: Invisible Walls by Revolution Void Break music: An Other Side by Xenyka