Behind The Theology of The Lex Lutheran Church

The Lancast show

Summary: Some would say that Lancaster County is the “Bible Belt” of the North, and even more than that, our area of the country has become a wealth of different religious faith and practice. With all the ways of thought already out there, you might say there’s nothing new under the sun. But something new has indeed caught our attention. David and Keith caught up with the founding pastor of the Lex Lutheran Church to get the scoop. The Rev. Dr. Raymond F. Adkins, MCSE, founder of the Lex Lutheran Church of Lancaster, PA, graciously accepted our invitation to talk about what it is that he and his church believe. While Adkins characterizes the Lex Lutherans as a splinter off of the Christian faith, there are some very clear fundamental differences between the two. Reverend Adkins founded the church in 2009 with the idea to empower individuals to take responsibility for themselves, instead of relying on a deity, or “the Super Man” to do all the work for them. Adkins holds to the belief that God created us to be strong enough to solve our own problems and that anything less would be a discredit to His greatness. “The Lex-Lutheran Church is all about lifting people up, telling them that they can”, he says. The Rev. Dr., who is also a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, confided that it’s been difficult to be taken seriously as a legitimate expression of faith. Our cohosts, themselves, were divided on their opinion of the Lex Lutheran message. David really seemed to connect with Adkins on some of the concepts that he’s preaching, but Keith just couldn’t shake his skepticism. Listen in to see how this serious conversation turns comical in our first show of the month. Let us know what you think, and as always, thanks for listening! Disclaimer: This was our 2012 April Fool's episode. The thoughts expressed during this episode were meant in jest and do not actually reflect the thoughts of those involved, or The Lancast in general. Support for this episode provided by WindingWay Books and Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Theme music: Invisible Walls by Revolution Void Break music: An Other Side by Xenyka