Across The Pond With The Slessers

The Lancast show

Summary: In case you haven’t yet had your fill of the “Slesser Charm”, we skyped in with Keith’s brother Steve Slesser and his wife Rebecca, from Camden Town, London for this show. The other Slessers are committing a minimum of two years of their lives in London as “reverse missionaries”, serving with a Pennsylvania-based organization known as World Harvest. The goal for their time there is to engage the people they meet within the framework of the existing culture. In other words, it is not a cut-and-paste endeavor to bring American church to England, but rather a mission to make faith relevant to the British people in their own context. Camden Town is a flurry of activity and serves as a hub for the arts scene in London. Steve and Rebs, as she is affectionately called, are continually adapting their lifestyle to allow for impactful conversation and meaningful relationships in that arena. Rebecca talks about what it is like being a new missionary and a new mom simultaneously and how difficult it can be to be away from family. Steve, who left his band Kheris to go to London, shares some of the new projects he’s been working on and the personal connections he’s made on the creative front. He has become something of a phenomenon with his one-of-a-kind drum kit that he built from a snare drum, a tambourine and a drum case that he uses for a kick. He can fit everything inside the case, making it very portable for playing shows with his new band Young Jude. You can check out the church that Steve and Rebecca serve with here, and to get behind what they are doing financially, click here. Contact Steve and Rebecca on Facebook. Support for this episode provided by WindingWay Books and Pennsylvania College of Art & Design. Theme music: Invisible Walls by Revolution Void Break music: An Other Side by Xenyka