Lum and Abner – Bail Is Five Cents, 420126

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Things are looking up for Lum. Abner doesn't want to press charges, the letter that can restore his partnership, and save the case is in his possession, and he gets to try his own case. Still, Lum is in jail, and has to deal with Henry Lundsford. The Pine Ridge lawman is keeping Lum busy as he pays strict attention to his book on how a big time penitentiary is run. Lum reviews with Abner the details of how this whole mess came about. A recent twist finds that all important letter in Squire's possession, but he doesn't know it. Though Lum is chomping at the bit to get out of jail, he tells Abner about why he can't leave despite having an unlocked cell. Grandpap enters with an idea for Lum to get himself out of jail right now, instead of having to wait for his court date.